Friday, June 5, 2015

True Identity

Hi. My name is Tonya. I'm a wife, a mother, a teacher in a public school, a preschool teacher at my church, a hobby artist, and a newbie at Bible art journaling and blogging.  I'm someone's best friend, someone's coworker, someone's daughter. I like to read, hike, camp, and be outside.  This is me.  This is who I am.  But, do these things define who I really am? 

As humans, we pour our all into what we are.  We work to be a part of something -- we strive to be known as something...something good.  We are proud of our titles. We work hard to be great at what we do.  And, that's awesome.  Even the Bible says that "whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as for the Lord" Col. 3:23.  So, if you are a husband or wife, work to be the best spouse you can be.  If you're a parent, be the best parent you know how to be.  In your jobs, your hobbies, your to be the best.  Give it your all - with enthusiasm.  BUT, what if all of that was suddenly gone? What if you find yourself with none of what you've worked so hard for?

I'm not trying to be the bearer of bad news or all doom and gloom here, but over time, all of the things we've "become" in this world will eventually change.  Maybe by choice or through the inevitable cycle of life or maybe even extreme or unfortunate circumstances.  And when that happens, who will we be then? Often times, people find themselves lost - not knowing where to go or what to do next.  They have been pouring every ounce of time, energy, and resources they had into who they were, but something happened that changed the dynamics of their life and they are left asking "what do I do now?"

God wants us to find our true identity in Him...our joy, our purpose... it's all found in our Father.  We were created by Him, for Him.  Every second of our existence should be spent glorifying our creator.  The other titles we hold are temporary perks, or bonuses, God has blessed us with.  But our main identity should be found solely in God.  As Christians, 1 John 3:1 reminds us of who we are... "What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it -- we're called CHILDREN OF GOD! That's who we really are..." (Message Bible)  Let that sink in a minute.  Close your eyes and think about the fact that you belong to the creator of the universe.  He loves you, and He created you in His image. We are His sons and daughters.  That's who we really are. When we begin to grasp the reality that above everything else we are, we are His, we will find a joy and peace we've never felt before.

If you begin to find your identity as a child of the King and still hold those titles that make up your life, enjoy it! And be blessed.  The quicker we realize our true identity and what really defines who we are, the more we can enjoy our temporary lives here on Earth -- our relationships, our jobs, our hobbies.  We can relax and have fun knowing that no matter what, we belong to Jesus.  We are His... a child of the King!  That's who we are.

That's who I am. I am a child of the King, a daughter of the creator of the universe.  I belong to a God who loves me, who knows every single detail about me, and who wants to have a relationship with me. My prayer is that God will help me continue to live my life to the fullest, not because I'm trying to create a life for myself based on my titles or position in this world, but because I know who I am in Him. 

That's my prayer for you too!  Begin to understand who you are in Christ and live your life to the fullest! Enjoy every part of this life as a child of the King! Smile! You are His!

Thanks for reading!