Monday, December 23, 2024

Letting Go

    She’s standing there appearing to have it all together, but on the inside, she is heartbroken, scared, and ready to fall apart.  She’s watching as her youngest son, her last baby, leaves.  She’s terrified of the outcome. Did she do the right things? Teach him the right things? Was it enough? Was she enough? The questions were crashing in on her.  The doubt of the kind of mother she was was crippling. A tear fell onto the dirt as she let go of her hold on her son and watched him go away. She held herself together as much as possible in the moment, but the sleepless nights and uncontrollable sobs would come.  She had no idea what would become of her son. She had no idea what would happen next. But, she knew in her heart that this was the way it had to be.  Her heartbreak was necessary for the good that was to come.

Times and circumstances may be different, but as parents, we all eventually find ourselves here. Time to let go. Maybe it’s watching them learn to ride a bike.  Maybe it’s watching them get on a school bus each morning. Maybe it’s watching them drive away in a car by themselves for the first time.  Maybe it’s watching your child leave home for college or get married, both of which you had tried to prepare yourself for. Or maybe it’s watching your child through anger, frustration, selfishness, or pride, quickly throw their things in a car to get away as soon as possible.  Time and time again, we parents are in a position of letting go.  And the hardest times are when what is beyond the letting go is unknown…when letting go means watching our kids walk out into a very broken world and we have no idea what will happen or where they will end up.

As she lay on her bed holding her tear-soaked pillow, she thinks back to the day she knew she was pregnant.  She remembers rubbing her growing belly and promising to protect and love him.  She closes her eyes and all she sees is her son.  The pain is unbearable.  Had she done the right things? Tried hard enough to protect him? The desire to run back after him and never let go is overwhelming.  But deep down, she knows she can’t.  No matter how hard this time is, she somehow feels it necessary.  The only way.  When she opens her eyes, she looks toward the print hanging by her bed - a prayer. At the end of her rope, she falls to her knees and gives it all to God.

Maybe our stories have found us at the end of our ropes, too.  Maybe, despite the love we have for our kids, we wrestle with not being enough or are breaking under the weight of the fear and worry of letting them go. Maybe we continue to solve problems on our own or hold on to some control over our kids and where life takes them.  Maybe the pain of letting go is masked by our own pride.  But, maybe, it’s time to follow the example of the woman who finally gave it all to God.  The woman whose heartbreak didn’t break her faith.

Her name was Jochebed. She had a son during the time when the king ordered all boys born to be killed. His name was Moses.  By law, he should’ve been killed.  By faith - and this momma’s decision to give her child to God - he was saved and became a man God used to deliver the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery.  Moses’s story is widely known and talked about. But what about this precious mother who knew that no option sounded good, but ultimately decided to trust in God? The momma who knew the heartbreak of letting her son float away on the river that day, but during the heartbreak, held on to a faith that would carry her through. 

Although the details I’ve written of her story are simply what I imagine could’ve happened, the truth is she was a woman who exemplified faith in God. She had a choice, and she chose to fear God more than man. She chose to put her trust in God. Through the pain, she chose to believe God had a plan. Through the unknown, she chose her understanding of who God was and what He could do. In her heartbreak, she chose faith.

Whether you are a parent simply learning to let go of your toddler’s hand as they take that first step on their own, you are currently dealing with the hardships of letting go as your teenager leaves home, or you have recently endured the pain of watching them go away on not-so-great terms, let Jochebed’s life be an example for you. Let her story remind you that parenting is hard, but parenting without a faith that understands God is in control and loves your child even more than you do is even harder.  Surrender your current parenting situations to a God that knows the plans He has for your children. He is faithful, and He is good.  Let Him have total control, and let Him become your Peace.