Sunday, April 19, 2015

Guard Your Heart

Why is it so important that we guard our hearts? 

Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." 

     There are specific reasons why it is so important that above everything else, we should guard our hearts.  Think about your heart.  Every emotion you've felt, every relationship you've had,  every dream you've had, and every passion you've had for things in your all comes from your heart.  It's who you are.  It is the source of everything we think, say, and do.  Your heart is valuable, and valuable things are meant to be guarded.  That's why we buy security systems for our homes - to keep our valuable things guarded.  Because your heart is so valuable, it is also under constant attack.  Thieves never try to steal our garbage....they go for the best, most valuable things we own.  Satan is a thief and he is trying to attack your heart.  He will use circumstances and disappointments in our lives to try to get us to lose we have to guard it.  And the best way to guard it is to fill it with Jesus.

>>>>>For me, my prayer is that I can always work to guard my heart and that I live a life where everything I do points to Jesus.

>>>>>For you, my prayer is that you would understand just how valuable your heart is and how important it is that you guard it from the enemy.

"If we lose heart, we have lost everything."

Thanks for reading!!

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