Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Always busy - How about You???

Hey guys! I haven't written anything in awhile, so I hope you haven't forgotten who I am :) This summer has flown by, and it seems that there's been lots going on.  Everything we've had going on has been good or fun, just busy.  The girls and I have been volunteering at Hope Reins, a youth/horse ranch in our community.  We went camping on the beach for a week, which was amazing! My brother's family came to visit for a few days, so we had some good family time.  Mahla's been working, Anthony's had to go on a strict, medical diet for a month so we've been learning to shop and cook to accommodate that, we've had get togethers with friends, and the girls have had some sleepovers.... busy, busy, busy.  And as the school year quickly approaches, I anticipate an even lengthier list of "things to do", especially since I'm moving from 5th grade back to 2nd.
     One thing I've noticed this summer though is that being busy doesn't have to be a bad thing.  Often we have a tendency to associate the word busy with stress.  The more we have on our plates, the more we feel stressed and pressured to get everything done.  And we all know that stress is no fun, not to mention very unhealthy.  So, how do we keep our busy lifestyles a positive thing instead of weighing us down? Ultimately, how we deal with the busy-ness of life comes back to Jesus.  Our ability to handle the whirlwind of chaos surrounding our lives depends on the depth of our relationship with Him.  How do we deepen our relationship with Jesus? The same way you deepen any spend time with Him.  Busy doesn't have to be bad as long as it doesn't take away from your intimate time with your Savior.  And as your relationship with Jesus deepens, you will feel differently about the things you are involved in.  Will you be physically tired? Yes, absolutely.  We are human.  But, you will also be filled with joy.  You will be able to see things in a different light....a God light.  Life and the things you accomplish become special and meaningful. So, if you feel like there's just too much on your plate, take something off.  Learn to say no.  Just know that the one thing that should never be pushed aside is your intimate time with Jesus.
     One last thought from a conversation I had with my momma :) ..... Do we have seasons or times in life where we are able to spend more time digging deeper into the Word and drawing closer to Jesus? If that's true for you (and I'm betting it is), take advantage of those times.  Maybe it's those times that prepare us for the seasons in life that push us to our limits, the seasons in life that keep us from studying, the circumstances that are often beyond our control...

My prayer for you is that you will keep God first, enjoy your busy schedules, cherish the quiet moments with Jesus, take advantage of any opportunities to deepen your relationship with Him, and no matter where you are or what you are doing, work at it with all your heart!

Thanks for reading!

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