Monday, April 27, 2020


Dark clouds filled the sky, and thunder broke the peaceful silence.  One glance behind him, and he knew he didn’t have long.  A flash of lightning just seconds later told him the storm was almost here.  He started walking faster, his toes sinking in the sand with every step.  Oh, how he loved the feel of the sand and the gentle touch of the water as the waves made their way to his legs.  As the rain began to fall, he made sure his pouch was tucked securely into his pocket. He would have to run to beat the storm making its way down the shoreline. The gentle waves had already turned violent, forcing him to move further up on the beach.  Running was difficult with one hand pushing against his pocket, but he could not lose his pouch.  He ran, faster and faster, until finally he reached his covered porch, collapsing as soon as he cleared the top step.  Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his pouch and opened it, spilling its contents onto the wood floor.  “Yes,” he thought, “they’re all here.”   He picked each shell up and examined it carefully, turning each one over and over.  Every time he held a shell in his hand, he imagined what it looked like before...before the life it held inside had died. What had this tiny shell had to endure?  As it worked to protect the animal inside, what had it been through?  Based on the smooth lines and textures of each shell, he could tell they had weathered many storms.  They had been tossed around in the waves of the ocean.  But, how beautiful they were!  He loved the way each shell, although similar to the others, had something unique.  Each shell had specific characteristics that helped tell the story of its journey to land.  As he examined his treasures, he smiled.  “These are amazing!”  As he carefully placed each one back into his pouch, he realized the storm was over.  There was only a slight breeze blowing now.  He gently tucked the pouch back into his pocket.  “You’ll be safe here,” he whispered, as he stepped off the porch and headed back toward the beach. He was excited at the thought of finding more shells that may have washed up during the storm. What would they look like? How different had their journey been? His hand slid over his pocket.  No matter what, he knew he would keep them in his treasure pouch, safe and secure. They belonged to him, and he loved them.

  When God looks at us, He sees a treasure.  He sees someone who has weathered more than a few storms.  He sees someone who has been tossed around by the struggles of life.  He sees someone who feels lonely and lost.  He sees fear, insecurity, doubt.  He sees the lies that we try to hide behind...the thoughts that keep us bound.  He sees everything about us. And, He smiles.  
     You see, God doesn’t see those things as flaws that have caused a decrease in value.  Nor does He see our worth decline with every struggle.  The “flaws” in our life, the things we think render us worthless, are integral parts of our journey.  They’re important details that help tell a story. Our life story depends on them, but our worth does not.  God does not see us as the messed up version we often see of ourselves.  He sees us as a treasure worth protecting.  A treasure worth securing in His treasure pouch.  A treasure He thinks of constantly. 

“Every single moment you are thinking of me!
How precious and wonderful to consider,
That you cherish me constantly in your every thought!
O God, your desires toward me are more
Than the grains of sand on every shore!
When I awake each morning,
You’re still thinking of me.”
--Psalm 130:17-18 (the Passion translation)

To God, we are HIS treasure.  We belong to Him, and He loves us.  Next time you are bogged down by feelings of worthlessness or inadequacy, remember who you are and who you belong to.  Stop trying to be worth something to others and realize that being worth something to God is more than enough.  Then, you will find peace.  Take comfort in knowing that you are a valuable piece of creation, you are loved and thought of by the creator of the universe, and “your life is safe in the care of the Lord your God, secure in HIS treasure pouch.”


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