Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A Life Well-Lived

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     Recently, I was asked to define the characteristics of a life well-lived.  What does it take to be able to say a person’s life is or was well-lived?  A fancy house and nice cars in the garage? A quick climb up the career ladder to a position of wealth or power?  Becoming a world traveler visiting all of the best vacation destinations?  Joining a band and going on tour?  Becoming a famous author?  Painter?  Winning the lottery?  While all of these things sound wonderful, is that really what it takes to feel satisfied or to feel like you fulfilled your life’s purpose?  My heart says no.  But, if I’m being totally honest, often times my flesh says it is.  I would venture to say that most people battle with the same thoughts.  If I could just buy that extra large house with the in-ground pool or that sharp truck I’ve had my eye on… If I could just land that supervisor job… If I could just travel here or vacation there… If I could just make more money… If I could_____________... you fill in the blank.  There’s always something to fill in the blank.  But, in reality, a life well-lived has nothing to do with the size of our house or our bank account, the career we have, the amount of toys we have in our garages or vacations we’ve taken, or the number of followers we have on Facebook or Twitter.
            So, how do we define a “well-lived” life?  Is it because at the end of our days, someone will say “they lived a ‘good’ life”?  Does “good” somehow equal well-lived?  Partly, yes.  But, that’s only a minute detail of one’s life.
            We were created for a purpose.  We were created to have a relationship with Jesus…to love Him.  Everything we do should mirror the image of Christ, and ultimately, bring glory to His name.  A life well-lived comes from realizing our need for a relationship, a friendship, with Jesus.  A well-lived life allows Him to live through it.  When a person realizes how much Jesus loves them – enough to die for them – and totally surrenders their life to Him, He is able to live in and through them.  Their life will demonstrate many of the same characteristics we know of Jesus.  It doesn’t matter what kind of car you drive or how much money you have.  What matters is Jesus.  A life well-lived is a life totally dedicated to allowing Jesus to shine through in EVERY detail.  It’s a life that understands how important it is to love Jesus.  And loving Jesus means loving people.
            Two names come to mind.  Doug and Connie.  Two people who love Jesus.  Two people who are living life well – in totally different ways. 
            My friend, Doug, is the executive director of Tiny Hands International, an organization created to combat human trafficking.  He has poured his heart into the work they are doing, traveling the world to speak and raise awareness of the horrors of human trafficking, funding his own trips to visit Nepal and help in the children’s homes they’ve begun, and meeting with people from all over the world to advance the work being done.  And why?  Because he has a passion to let his life be used by Jesus.  His heart is overflowing with love.  Because he loves Jesus.  Period.
            My friend, Connie, is a Christian wife and mother of six.  She has faced many trials in her life, suffered much loss, and has had many ups and downs.  Most recently being her youngest son’s battle with hepatoblastoma.  However, through it all, she has kept her faith.  When most people would have thrown in the towel, Connie fought.  Her life has become a powerful testimony, and her family has become a light to over 18 thousand people all over the world via Facebook.  Through it all, she continues to value family and the importance of being there for each other.  She has poured her heart into showing the world the love of Jesus by the way she lives.  And why?  Because she has a passion to let her life be used by Jesus.  Her heart, amidst all the pain and hurt, is overflowing with love.  Because she loves Jesus. Period.
            Both Doug and Connie have figured out how to have a life well-lived.  And their lives seem nothing alike.  A life well-lived does not look the same for everyone.  It’s about understanding the importance of loving Jesus and allowing Him to use you no matter where life takes you.  That’s a life well-lived!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Always busy - How about You???

Hey guys! I haven't written anything in awhile, so I hope you haven't forgotten who I am :) This summer has flown by, and it seems that there's been lots going on.  Everything we've had going on has been good or fun, just busy.  The girls and I have been volunteering at Hope Reins, a youth/horse ranch in our community.  We went camping on the beach for a week, which was amazing! My brother's family came to visit for a few days, so we had some good family time.  Mahla's been working, Anthony's had to go on a strict, medical diet for a month so we've been learning to shop and cook to accommodate that, we've had get togethers with friends, and the girls have had some sleepovers.... busy, busy, busy.  And as the school year quickly approaches, I anticipate an even lengthier list of "things to do", especially since I'm moving from 5th grade back to 2nd.
     One thing I've noticed this summer though is that being busy doesn't have to be a bad thing.  Often we have a tendency to associate the word busy with stress.  The more we have on our plates, the more we feel stressed and pressured to get everything done.  And we all know that stress is no fun, not to mention very unhealthy.  So, how do we keep our busy lifestyles a positive thing instead of weighing us down? Ultimately, how we deal with the busy-ness of life comes back to Jesus.  Our ability to handle the whirlwind of chaos surrounding our lives depends on the depth of our relationship with Him.  How do we deepen our relationship with Jesus? The same way you deepen any relationship.....you spend time with Him.  Busy doesn't have to be bad as long as it doesn't take away from your intimate time with your Savior.  And as your relationship with Jesus deepens, you will feel differently about the things you are involved in.  Will you be physically tired? Yes, absolutely.  We are human.  But, you will also be filled with joy.  You will be able to see things in a different light....a God light.  Life and the things you accomplish become special and meaningful. So, if you feel like there's just too much on your plate, take something off.  Learn to say no.  Just know that the one thing that should never be pushed aside is your intimate time with Jesus.
     One last thought from a conversation I had with my momma :) ..... Do we have seasons or times in life where we are able to spend more time digging deeper into the Word and drawing closer to Jesus? If that's true for you (and I'm betting it is), take advantage of those times.  Maybe it's those times that prepare us for the seasons in life that push us to our limits, the seasons in life that keep us from studying, the circumstances that are often beyond our control...

My prayer for you is that you will keep God first, enjoy your busy schedules, cherish the quiet moments with Jesus, take advantage of any opportunities to deepen your relationship with Him, and no matter where you are or what you are doing, work at it with all your heart!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, June 5, 2015

True Identity

Hi. My name is Tonya. I'm a wife, a mother, a teacher in a public school, a preschool teacher at my church, a hobby artist, and a newbie at Bible art journaling and blogging.  I'm someone's best friend, someone's coworker, someone's daughter. I like to read, hike, camp, and be outside.  This is me.  This is who I am.  But, do these things define who I really am? 

As humans, we pour our all into what we are.  We work to be a part of something -- we strive to be known as something...something good.  We are proud of our titles. We work hard to be great at what we do.  And, that's awesome.  Even the Bible says that "whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as for the Lord" Col. 3:23.  So, if you are a husband or wife, work to be the best spouse you can be.  If you're a parent, be the best parent you know how to be.  In your jobs, your hobbies, your relationships...work to be the best.  Give it your all - with enthusiasm.  BUT, what if all of that was suddenly gone? What if you find yourself with none of what you've worked so hard for?

I'm not trying to be the bearer of bad news or all doom and gloom here, but over time, all of the things we've "become" in this world will eventually change.  Maybe by choice or through the inevitable cycle of life or maybe even extreme or unfortunate circumstances.  And when that happens, who will we be then? Often times, people find themselves lost - not knowing where to go or what to do next.  They have been pouring every ounce of time, energy, and resources they had into who they were, but something happened that changed the dynamics of their life and they are left asking "what do I do now?"

God wants us to find our true identity in Him...our joy, our purpose... it's all found in our Father.  We were created by Him, for Him.  Every second of our existence should be spent glorifying our creator.  The other titles we hold are temporary perks, or bonuses, God has blessed us with.  But our main identity should be found solely in God.  As Christians, 1 John 3:1 reminds us of who we are... "What marvelous love the Father has extended to us! Just look at it -- we're called CHILDREN OF GOD! That's who we really are..." (Message Bible)  Let that sink in a minute.  Close your eyes and think about the fact that you belong to the creator of the universe.  He loves you, and He created you in His image. We are His sons and daughters.  That's who we really are. When we begin to grasp the reality that above everything else we are, we are His, we will find a joy and peace we've never felt before.

If you begin to find your identity as a child of the King and still hold those titles that make up your life, enjoy it! And be blessed.  The quicker we realize our true identity and what really defines who we are, the more we can enjoy our temporary lives here on Earth -- our relationships, our jobs, our hobbies.  We can relax and have fun knowing that no matter what, we belong to Jesus.  We are His... a child of the King!  That's who we are.

That's who I am. I am a child of the King, a daughter of the creator of the universe.  I belong to a God who loves me, who knows every single detail about me, and who wants to have a relationship with me. My prayer is that God will help me continue to live my life to the fullest, not because I'm trying to create a life for myself based on my titles or position in this world, but because I know who I am in Him. 

That's my prayer for you too!  Begin to understand who you are in Christ and live your life to the fullest! Enjoy every part of this life as a child of the King! Smile! You are His!

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

From a Bible Art Journaling beginner...

     As a Bible journaling beginner, I just thought I would share with you what I use to study scriptures creatively right now.  I have been reading numerous blogs about the different supplies that people had purchased and the types of note-taking/wide margin Bibles bloggers were using.  There are so many brands and types of art supplies that look amazing! And I cannot wait until I can decide and get my hands on my own wide margin Bible...... but I'm so indecisive about what I want.

     I could not wait to start art journaling though! So, I'm using the Bible I already have and doodling like crazy!  I'm a bit more limited on what supplies I can use since I have no margins and everything I do goes over the words (or on the introduction pages of the books).  Along with my "regular" Bible, I also picked up a cheap journal from Ollie's to journal in.  For now, I have highlighters, colorful BIC pens, gel pens, a black ultra fine point Sharpie marker, and colored pencils....stuff I already had or found cheap at Walmart.  Colored pencils work perfectly over the words - the picture shows up great but the words can still be read easily. My favorite colored pencils, Prismacolor, were given to me as a gift. (Thanks, Helen!) Originally, they were to use in my sketchbooks....I had never even heard of Bible journaling at that point.  Thank goodness for these colored pencils though! They really are awesome for my Bible! :)

     But now I've done enough artwork in this Bible that it will be hard to move on to another one once I decide on the one I want...... I will though, and I'm sure I will love having the wide margins to use for notes or to draw using other forms of media, but I am loving the look and personalization of my current Bible. :)  And I'm sure once I have a different Bible, I will still randomly return to my old one. So, for anyone that has wanted to start Bible journaling but doesn't have a wide margin Bible, I say go for it anyway! Grab some colored pencils and get creative with the Bible you currently use!!

     What I've found out about Bible Art Journaling is that it keeps me focused, and it also helps me remember the references to meaningful verses in the Word.  It also helps me gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of many verses because I have to study them before I know what I want to draw.  I also find myself looking back through my artwork almost daily, which means I am reading the same verses over and over..... hopefully causing it to "stick" in my brain and in my heart. Plus, it's just plain fun!  You should give it a try. And, you don't have to have a ton of supplies to get started.......just use what you already have!

     I'd love to know if anyone reading this blog post does journaling.  Feel free to leave a comment.....what type of Bible do you have and what supplies do you just love?  I'd also love to hear from those of you who are just beginning like me! What did you start out with or what have you found that is totally amazing? I love sharing new ideas. :)

Thanks for reading!!


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Guard Your Heart

Why is it so important that we guard our hearts? 

Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." 

     There are specific reasons why it is so important that above everything else, we should guard our hearts.  Think about your heart.  Every emotion you've felt, every relationship you've had,  every dream you've had, and every passion you've had for things in your life.....it all comes from your heart.  It's who you are.  It is the source of everything we think, say, and do.  Your heart is valuable, and valuable things are meant to be guarded.  That's why we buy security systems for our homes - to keep our valuable things guarded.  Because your heart is so valuable, it is also under constant attack.  Thieves never try to steal our garbage....they go for the best, most valuable things we own.  Satan is a thief and he is trying to attack your heart.  He will use circumstances and disappointments in our lives to try to get us to lose heart......so we have to guard it.  And the best way to guard it is to fill it with Jesus.

>>>>>For me, my prayer is that I can always work to guard my heart and that I live a life where everything I do points to Jesus.

>>>>>For you, my prayer is that you would understand just how valuable your heart is and how important it is that you guard it from the enemy.

"If we lose heart, we have lost everything."

Thanks for reading!!

Thursday, April 9, 2015


     Hey guys! I am writing this blog as a parent of a teenager and an almost preteen :)  If you are reading this and you are not a parent, it's likely that you will be one day or you will at least play a part in the life of a young person at some point in your life.... so keep reading. It's for you, too. In an age where social media has taken over, a "do what makes you happy or feel good" mentality is pushed, and an "it's all about me" attitude is the normal, we have a huge task ahead of us as parents if we want to teach our kids to live their lives for God. The demands of the world and the need to fit in are not going to go away or ease up....they'll only get stronger. So, who's freaked out as a parent now???? To be honest, I am.
     So, what now? We realize that we live in a broken world; one that is pulling our young people in every direction possible except toward Jesus. We also understand that teenagers have a huge longing to fit in with their peers and to be what society views as popular. But, if you watch and listen long enough, you will also notice that nothing being offered is working to fill that hole in their lives....no matter what they try, it's not enough.  That is why we continue to hear about new ideas, new drugs, new fashion statements, new trends, etc. Teens continue to push the limits to try to fit in and to be "cool".  As a parent of two daughters, realizing these things is why I am a little freaked out.  Ok, if I really think about it, alot freaked out.
     It is likely that unless you are some sort of superhero, you will not be able to change the world so that your teenager can just glide right through these years and come out on the other side ready to tackle the adult world. And, I'll admit it...I'm not Wonder Woman and although my husband argues that no one has seen both him and Batman in a room together, he is not Batman. Sorry, honey.  So, where does that leave us "regular" parents?
     We have to start with ourselves and our own families. We can't change the world, but through Jesus, we can work toward changing the mindset of our own kids.  Teenagers will always have things that look appealing and desirable in the moment.  We have to teach our teens that it's not about feeling good in the moment.  They need to know that it's ok to be different than the world.  Romans 12:2 says, " Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God.  You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what He wants from you, and quickly respond to it.  Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you." (from the Message) How do we teach our kids to fix their attention on God? How do we teach them to be like Christ in a world that constantly screams conformity?  We have to train them.  Training is an active process lived out daily in all areas of our lives. It's not about just memorizing verses and going to church every week.  It's about living every day according to God's word.  Training comes from observation.  Our kids need to see us truly living life with our attention set on Jesus.  Every decision we make should be made with Jesus at the center.  Our lifestyle, who we hang out with, our actions, how we handle problems, what we allow into our minds....all of that should mirror a lifestyle like Jesus.  Our kids don't need someone preaching at them about how they should live.  They need to see their parents living out a Godly life in front of them.  And they need to see that living for God can be fun. :)
     My oldest child is at the beginning of her teenager years, so I am just beginning this new chapter in my parenting journey..... I will likely read every parenting book I can find, ask other parents for advice, cry, get mad, and do anything else that I can throughout this process..... But, I do know where I'm going to start. It starts with me....and lots of prayer.  I pray that I can live my life according to Romans 12:2 and that as I fix my attention on God, my daughters will see something in me worth imitating....worth striving to do or be in their own lives. I hope that's your prayer, too.
     I do know that this will not be an easy task and that my husband and I will fail many times as parents, but I also know that my daughters are worth it.....and that no matter how many times we fail, we have to get right back up and keep striving to live a Godly life in front of them.  My kids are worth it.....your kids are worth it..... remember "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13).... WE CAN DO THIS!!!!

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


     Sometimes people say something, even something super simple, and it has a crazy huge impact on you.  Even when the words were probably spoken or thought about many times before by multiple people, it just seems like sometimes....it becomes a WOW moment. And those moments, for me, tend to stick around and consume my thinking.  Luckily, for me this week I had a WOW Jesus moment thanks to my good friend, Derek.  As he was leading the praise and worship in church this past Sunday, he simply emphasized how much God loved us.  He quoted John 3:16, which I have heard since I was a baby.  But, he focused on the word "so"...... I was very intrigued.... Think about it. I tell Anthony I love him, but when I really want him to know just how much, I add "so"....."I love you SO much."  It seems to carry more weight that way. Throughout the whole service, my mind could not get away from Derek's words, that commonly quoted verse, and that one small word (probably should apologize to the preacher for losing focus on the message, lol).
     In my last post, I said I had found a new creative project to start called Bible journaling.  I've read alot of blogs and have found some really, really creative people to learn from.  I've also tried a few things in my new journal, and I'm so excited in how it's looking! Even used watercolors on one page!  I've also read about creative ways to study the Bible.  One of those ways is called "Verse mapping," which I've never heard of before.  To me, verse mapping is basically a way to just focus on each individual word in a verse and dig deeper into understanding what exactly those words are adding to the overall meaning of the whole verse.
     What better way to try verse mapping than to begin with the verse that would not get out of my head after church last Sunday??? So.......back to John 3:16.....

     After I wrote the verse in my journal, I looked at the words individually.  First, I had to look up the word "so." So means to such a great extent.  What I loved about the word so was that it is an adverb (my language arts side is coming out).  An adverb describes a verb, which in this case happens to be the word LOVED. The word so describes how God loved me...and it means to such a great extent. The extent of his love for me was huge.  It is an extravagant, unconditional love.  Whoa.
     I also looked up the word gave, and Dictionary.com says that to give is to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation. God loved me to such a great extent that He voluntarily gave His Son without expecting me to repay Him...like we could ever do that, right?? As humans, we often give to others, but expect something in return.  Extravagant love...unconditional love....the love that God has for us says it doesn't matter who you are or what you've done or the fact that nothing you do could ever begin to repay, I'm giving this gift. And that gift just so happened to be the savior of the world, Jesus.
     So, as familiar as I am with John 3:16, the past couple days, I've been completely overwhelmed by God's love for me. That verse means something much bigger to me now.  And that was the perfect verse to use to start verse mapping in my new journal.

      I'm adding a picture of my journal page to show how I did my first verse mapping....maybe you'll hear a verse or read one on your own that you want to try this with!

     Thanks for reading!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

New project :)

I recently discovered a very creative type of Bible study..... Bible journaling! I have read and looked at multiple examples of Bible journals and note-taking in the Bible itself. I am super excited to learn everything I can about how other people use all sorts of art supplies to really dig into scriptures. But, to start my journal, I wanted to simply write out my favorite Bible verse and what it means to me. Even though I haven't fully decided how or what I am going to include in my new journal, I am stoked to begin.... Who knows? You may see more from my Bible journaling adventure very soon!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

And so it begins...

My first blog in forever!!!! Eek! So excited to begin a new adventure in blogging.

I am a 34 year old who loves Jesus, my family, my friends, my job, and my cat :). Life is an adventure, and it’s fun when you have people to share it with! My favorite Bible verse is Nehemiah 8:10 “…for the joy of the Lord is my Strength.” I have loved that verse since I was a little girl, but in the last few years I’ve learned that it’s not just joy that makes you strong, it’s the joy we get from knowing, really knowing, who we are in Jesus.

I wanted a place where I can share things that I’ve found to be interesting, helpful, strange, fun, or all of that combined.   I am married to a nurse with a HUGE passion for fishing.  I also have two daughters, ages 14 and 10, and I am a 5th grade teacher at an amazing school in Tennessee. My blogs will be filled with things that are happening with my family and friends and things I’ve learned or am currently learning about life as a Christian wife, parent, and teacher.

Thanks for reading!! I hope to learn all the ins and outs of blogger and post another blog soon!!